Student Life at Beclabito Day School
Kindergarten through 4th-grade students at Beclabito Day School benefit from diverse academic, developmental and cultural activities. Elementary education introduces students to new learning processes and experiences that prepare them for middle school and high school. The Navajo principles of Nitsàhàkees (Thinking), Nahat’à (Planning), Iinà (Living) and Siihasin (Assuring) empower Beclabito Day School students to become critical thinkers and leaders of tomorrow.
Summer Enrichment
Many young Bobcats take opportunities to enhance their academic progress outside regular school hours. Summer enrichment programs develop students’ natural abilities and academic leanings. Talented students can receive the encouragement, nurturing and guidance they need in subject matters. Summer enrichment programs boost a student’s overall academic success by engaging in educational opportunities outside of the classroom.
Science Fair
During science fairs, students can become scientists participating in the scientific method. Typically, students explore a particular subject matter and apply the scientific method to their investigation. Science fairs allow students to showcase their creativity, collaborate with peers and receive recognition and awards for their work. This traditional academic competition lets students display their proficiency in science, math and technology, among other subjects.
Response to Intervention
Beclabito Day School meets the diverse needs of all its students. The Response to Intervention program aims to identify a student’s unique academic and behavior modification needs as early as possible. When a student’s specific challenges are recognized early, an intervention plan can be implemented. RTI aims to remove social and academic obstacles and improve a student’s chances of success.
Navajo Language/Culture
Beclabito Day School’s teachers, staff and community members share the knowledge and traditions of the Navajo language and culture. Event programs, performances and tutorials allow our Young Bobcats to experience, practice and preserve their Native heritage. With the assistance of Tribal leadership, educators and community elders, students participate in Navajo language/culture programs that develop a student’s identity, cultural connection and community.
Computers are the future, and our Bobcats are learning all about them. Our computer programs introduce students to the basics of computer usage and programming and teach them computer skills they will carry with them throughout their academic and professional careers. Early introduction to various computer topics prepares students for life in the 21st century. The Beclabito Day School curriculum provides students with valuable exposure and a solid foundation in computer sciences. Computers will help them discover and develop their talents.
Gifted & Talented Program
The Gifted & Talented Program was created to support our Navajo children who have shown exceptional potential throughout the learning process. Sometimes, students need exposure to additional content above and beyond the pace of the regular classroom. The Gifted & Talented Program also allows students to learn and interact with other students who are learning similarly. Students engage with various knowledge bases that will improve their advanced and practical skill sets. The Gifted & Talented Program is an excellent addition to regular academic programs, enhancing critical thinking skills, problem solving and creativity.